Executing a Firmware update

Firmware Updates can be executed very quickly and easily with the WolfVision Connectivity software.

Every used firmware file is validated before it is used for the update process so it is not possible for you to upload a wrong firmware to a WolfVision Visualizer.


To start the update, select the "Firmware Update..." menu item from the "Tools" menu. It is also possible to start an update from the "Connect To" dialog box which can be reached by selecting the "Connect To..." menu item from the "File" menu by pressing the "Start firmware update" button.

Please note that not all WolfVision Visualizers support the firmware update function note.

The application will scan for available Visualizers and flag those Visualizers which don't have the latest firmware version installed with an exclamation mark note. Flagging Visualizers with old firmware versions only works if a Internet connection is available because the information regarding the most recent firmware version is retrieved from the WolfVision web server.


By pressing the "Select updatable devices" button all devices with an older firmware will be selected.

When you keep the "Ctrl" key pressed while selecting devices you can select several devices for a firmware update. When you keep the "Shift" key pressed while selecting devices you can select successive devices for a firmware update.

To proceed with the update, press the "OK" button. In case the application detected newer firmware files on the WolfVision web server (check is only executed if a Internet connection is available) a dialog box will be displayed and you are asked if you want to download and use the most recent firmware files from the WolfVision web server. Press the "Yes" button to download the latest firmware files from the WolfVision web server. If you press the "No" button you'll work with the locally stored firmware files which are not the most recent ones.


You are now asked again if you really want to execute the firmware update on the selected devices. Press the "Yes" button to proceed with the update process or press "No" to abort the update.


The update process will no start for the selected devices. To follow the update process a progress bar will be displayed for each updated device.


As soon as all data was transferred to the Visualizer the Visualizer will need a few seconds to complete the update process (can take up to 120 seconds).

Please wait until this dialog box disappears and don't disconnect any Visualizer which was updated right now!


When the update process is successfully completed, a respective message will be prompted.

Sometimes an update fails on Visualizers without any comprehensible reason. If that is the case, simply retry the firmware update. In most situations a second attempt to update the firmware is successful.


Manual firmware download from the WolfVision web server

By default the WolfVision Connectivity software checks the WolfVision web server for the most recent firmware files while initiating a firmware update process. When you prefer to manually download firmware files from the WolfVision web server you have to change the according setting "Enable automatic firmware update" in the "Preferences" dialog box and download the necessary file(s) from www.wolfvision.com/wolf/fware.html to your storage device (i.e. hard disk). If this setting is switched off the application will not contact the WolfVision web server while executing a firmware update.

During initialization of the update process you will be asked to specify the necessary firmware file(s) for the selected device(s). Therefore a "Select Firmware File" dialog box will be displayed. Please note that every selected file will be validated first before it is used for the update process. If the validation fails you are prompted to select a valid firmware file.