Using Save and Autosave functions

Save a picture

To save a captured picture on your hard disk, simply click on the "Save Picture" tool bar button or select the "Save Picture..." menu item from the "File" menu.


While saving a picture to your hard disk, you have to enter some information (e.g. file name, location, picture format) in order to get the picture saved.


Autosave a picture

You can also use the "Auto Save" function to save a picture without having to enter any information for the save process. All necessary information (e.g. file name, destination, format, etc.) is provided by the "Auto Save" tab on the "Preferences" dialog box.


In order to automatically save a picture one of the three supported trigger events has to occur. Which one of the three supported events will trigger the auto save function can be selected on the "Auto Save" tab. These are the three supported trigger events: