Save and Autosave Functions

Main Window

When saving pictures, EXIF data will be added to the file. note

Following data will be saved (examples):

Respective Ribbon Tab

Click onto the item of interest to open the corresponding subject:

Save a picture

To save a captured picture on your hard disk, simply click on the "Save As" button on the ribbon tab. Pictures will be saved in the pre-defined directory.

The pre-defined destination directory and the desired file format can also be changed in the tool bar.


While saving a picture to your hard disk, you have to enter some information (e.g. file name, location, picture format) in order to get the picture saved.

Autosave a Picture

You can also use the "Auto Save" function to save a picture without having to enter any information for the save process. Just select the desired running Live Preview window and hit the defined key.

All necessary information (e.g. file name, destination, format, etc.) is provided by the "Save" tab on the "Preferences..." dialog box.
The pre-defined destination directory and the desired file format can also be changed in the tool bar.

Goto My Pictures

To open pre-defined destination directory in an explorer window, simply click on the "Goto My Pictures" button ribbon tab.

Directories for picture saving

Input the desired pre-defined path for saving pictures into the address field. With the icon on the right end of the address field, you can browse your storage media.

The destination can be selected separately for "Save" and "Auto Save".

The destination directories can also be changed in the "Preferences..." dialog.

Picture Format

Select the pre-defined picture format for a saved picture. While saving a picture you can still change the used picture format. When JPEG format is selected, you also have to enter the JPEG quality value while saving a picture.

The pre-defined picture format can also be changed in the "Preferences..." dialog.

Picture formats can be divided into three categories: Lossy compression formats, lossless compression formats and uncompressed formats.


The use of a certain picture compression depends on what should be compressed.

Possible file formats are:


The following list is a brief summary for the available picture formats when using them within a web page/application.


You can also use the "Auto Save" function to save a picture without having to enter any information for the save process. All necessary information (e.g. file name, destination, format, etc.) is provided by the "Save" tab on the "Preferences..." dialog box.

In order to automatically save a picture one of the three supported trigger events has to occur. Which one of the three supported events will trigger the auto save function can be selected on the "Save" tab on the "Preferences" dialog box. These are the three supported trigger events: